Not greatly impressed with CA's software myself.
I'll look up this particular virus in a sec, in the mentime you should find this site interesting:
Wlakthroughs on how and why people get infected in the first place, what to do to avoid it, reviews of spyware products, walkthroughs for removing infections etc.
Symantec will do a free scan for viruses :
I'd also recommend giving their 15 day Norton 360 a trial, if only to clear yours system
There's also McAfees which might help.
Having looked at wizjp's link (above) that looks like it might be a good solution to this particular issue. Always a begger that the different companies all assign different, even conflicting names to these things, eh.
The bigger picture is down you managed to catch it in the first place and how to avoid getting it again. I did see a thread blaming a crack on torrent (for dreamweaver) as a possible source.
Virus found! computer associates (anti-virus) found Win32Malum.AODW what is it? how do i fix it?agv
Malum means rape and attack.
Just to tell the type!
Second worse to the Trojan!
It's one you have to wipe your PC with I'm afraid,
you can't do it yourself.
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